IPL Photofacial

What is an IPL Treatment?

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment, also known as a photofacial, uses light energy to target certain colors in your skin. When the skin is heated, your body works to eliminate the unwanted cells, improving the color and texture of the skin. IPL can help diminish visible damage caused by sun exposure, eliminate broken capillaries, as well soften fine lines and improve acne scars. This gives the skin a more even and youthful appearance.

What does IPL treat?

IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a versatile treatment that can improve a range of skin conditions including:

  • Brown Spots

  • Broken Capillaries

  • Bruises

  • Redness

  • Rosacea

  • Fine lines

  • Acne scars

IPL can address these skin conditions on the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs.

How many treatments do you need?

We recommend doing a series of 3 treatments 3-4 weeks apart for optimal results, although you will see results with 1 treatment.

What happens during an IPL treatment?

An IPL device delivers an arc of light energy that penetrates all levels of the skin without harming the surface, so there’s little downtime.

When it’s time for your treatment, your skin will be cleansed, and an ultrasound gel will be applied. Both you and your aesthetician will wear protective eyewear. The IPL device will hold and move against your skin while light pulses are emitted.

The length of treatment depends on the size of the area, but it typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes. After the treatment, ultrasonic gel is removed, and sunscreen is applied.

What is the cost of IPL?

For more information on the cost, schedule a consultation.

For more information on this or any other topic, give us a call at 210-588-0203.


FAQs for IPL Photofacial

    • Be sure you have been evaluated by a qualified medical provider to ensure you are a candidate for IPL treatment and not at higher risk for complications.

    • Arrive at your appointment with clean skin if at all possible. The treatment area should be free of any makeup, creams, perfumes and lotions. If you have dark hair in the treatment area you should also shave prior to treatment as pigment in hair can increase discomfort (feel free to contact us if you have questions about this!).

    • Discontinue sun tanning, use of tanning beds and application of sunless tanning products at least 1 month before treatment.

    • Always use a physical SPF of >30 on all exposed treatment areas.

    • Wear sun protective hats and clothing.

    • Discontinue use of exfoliating products at least 1 week prior to treatment. This includes physical exfoliants, chemical exfoliants and products such as Retinol.

    • If you have a history of cold sores or herpes outbreaks in the area being treated, a prescribed medication (Valtrex, valacyclovir) is recommended to be started prior to your treatment- please contact our office in advance if this applies to you!

    • You should have the following products on hand for after your treatment- a gentle facial cleanser, a physical sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater, and a gentle moisturizer. If you need product recommendations feel free to reach out prior to your appointment or on the day of treatment.

    • Your skin may be temperature sensitive for several days after treatment. Brown spots and freckles will appear darker while healing.

    • It should take 4-6 weeks to see the full result and 2-3 treatments may be required to achieve an optimum result.

    • The sessions are designed to provide no downtime however, occasionally you may find that your cheeks and under eye areas are slightly puffy after treatment. You may use cold compresses (5 minutes on and 10 minutes off) several times an hour to help ease both redness and swelling.

    • Sleeping with your head elevated for the first night will also help decrease any swelling you may experience.

    • Redness around the treated area for a few hours to days.

    • Freckles and age spots may darken for three to seven days before starting to fade.

    • Skin flaking for up to 10 days.

    • Minor bruising that may last two weeks or less (very unusual)-

    • No hot showers for 48 hours.

    • For 2 days after a treatment avoid taking aspirin, Ibuprofen, drinking alcohol, heavy exertion and activities which may cause skin flushing.

    • Avoid harsh topical products such as retinols and glycolic acid products for one week after each session.

    • Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area and use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or greater for 4 to 6 weeks after treatment.

    • No swimming for a week, especially in pools with chemicals such as chlorine.

    • No strenuous exercise for 48 hours. You can hit the gym after about 2 days post-therapy.

    • No hot tubs or Jacuzzis for 48 hours.

    • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration for 24 hours.

    • Do not pick at or remove any loosening or peeling skin.

    • No electrolysis, facial waxing, or depilatories (hair removal products) for 14 days after a treatment.

    • After IPL, you may look younger because your skin tone is more even.

    • IPL will stimulate collagen growth by treating a deeper layer of skin, while improving texture, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.